Building a Professional Brand: Asheville Attorney John's Headshot Session

January 16, 2024

Building a Professional Brand: Asheville Attorney John's Headshot Session

The start of a new year is always met with excitement and anticipation for a fresh start; for some, it means pursuing their passion in a new way. John, an experienced Asheville attorney, is one such person. As he prepared to open his own law firm this year, he reached out to me in need of a new headshot. It was a pleasure working with John, and our conversations about music and concerts we planned on attending in the future made the session all the more enjoyable.

Older White Male in a suite in front of a tan background for a business headshot

While we initially discussed doing some photos in a studio, John preferred the look of my on-location shots. He also wanted to include some of the buildings in Asheville to emphasize that he's a long-time resident and based in downtown Asheville. We met near John's office and used the Jackson building for photos before moving on to several other locations.

Older White Male in a blue suit standing in front of tall city buildings of Asheville, NC with a cloudy sky background for portrait photography session.Older White Male in a blue suit standing in front of tall city buildings of Asheville, NC with a cloudy sky background for portrait photography session.

Working with John was a great way to end the year and set the tone for the upcoming one. I am excited about working with more of Asheville's business professionals and creative artists in 2024. If you need an updated headshot or lifestyle photos for marketing purposes, don't hesitate to reach out to schedule a session.

White Male in blue suit leaning against a stone wall with one hand in his pocket. Posing for a portrait in Asheville, NC.

Ready to get started?

We've got you covered with a full range of photography and video services. Contact us today to start elevating your visual presence.
